Welcome to the The Irish Fostercare Association Mayo Branch

The Mayo Branch is one of the largest and most active branches within the IFCA with over sixty members. Meetings of the branch are held every six weeks and are well attended. These meetings are usually held in The Welcome Inn Hotel Castlebar. They offer support to members through the many very experienced Foster Parents and Social Workers in the branch who are willing to share their experiences.

The branch organise Talks and Workshops for the members. They also organise a Summer-Outing each year for all the members. A Christmas party is held every year – this is a huge success. At this party the children are entertained and Santa Claus brings a gift for every child..

Upcoming Branch Events

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Latest Branch News

Mayo Branch AGM

The Mayo Branch AGM took place in Breaffy House Hotel.

Mayo Branch AGM

Photo L to R:
John Horgan (Outgoing Chairperson), Sephine Morris (Asst. Treasurer), Ann Feerick (Treasurer), Tracey Byrne (Incoming Chairperson), Nicci Carroll (Incoming PRO/Asst. Secretary) and Padraic Brennan (Secretary)

This entry was posted on 18 Jan 2019

IFCA / Tusla Network Meeting


An IFCA/Tusla Network Meeting will take place on Monday, 14th May, from 10.30am - 12.30pm, at the McWilliam Park Hotel in Claremorris.

Topic: Support available to Foster Carers and their Families and the Role of the Fostering Link Worker.

All Foster Carers are invited.

Please phone Anne-Marie or Teresa on 094 9050133 to confirm your attendance.

This entry was posted on 2 May 2018

IFCA / Tusla Network Meeting


An IFCA/Tusla Network Meeting will take place on Monday, 5th March, from 10.30am - 12.30pm, at the Great National Hotel in Ballina.

Topic: The Role of the Fostering Link Social Worker and explore the issue of support available to foster carers.

This entry was posted on 4 Mar 2018

Christmas Party 2017

The Mayo Branch will host the children’s Christmas party on Sunday, December 10th in Breaffy House Hotel 2.30pm to 6.30pm in the Riverside Suite.

Epic will launch the children’s calendar at 3pm followed by Entertainment for all children.

This entry was posted on 27 Nov 2017

Mayo Foster Care AGM

The AGM of the Mayo Foster Care association will be held in the Ivory Towers Hotel, Castlebar (formerly Welcome Inn) on Wednesday November 29th at 8.00pm

This entry was posted on 14 Nov 2017

Branch Meeting


A meeting of the Mayo Foster Care association will be held in the Education Centre, Castlebar on Tuesday Feb 21st at 8.00pm.

Directions: Use main entrance to Hospital, turn right inside gate pass GMIT, at end of road Ed. Centre in front of you. Parking is behind centre accessed via road on right hand side of building

Topic: Pat Gilmore will present results of the survey on Birth Children.



Minutes of last meeting

Matters arising

Oct 25th 74 emails re College aware event Trinity College on Nov 26th
Nov 15th 74 email re C E O support meeting.
Nov 17th 74 email re Christmas party
Nov 28th 81 texts re Christmas party
Jan 6th 74 emails re staff vacancy for media and communications officer in IFCA
Feb 10th 74 emails re online symposium supporting sons and daughters of foster parents.

Treasurer Report

Regional Rep report

Tusla meeting Nov 23rd


Any Other Business
IFCA Structure
After Care Policy
Check out latest posts on www.ifca.ie members' section

Votes of sympathy

Meeting closed 10pm.


Yours sincerely,

Eugene Flynn Secretary.

This entry was posted on 15 Feb 2017

Christmas Party 2016

The Mayo Branch will host the children’s Christmas party on Sunday, December 11th in the Breaffy House Hotel from 3.00pm to 6.30pm in the Riverside Suite.

This entry was posted on 12 Nov 2016

Support and Information Morning


The Mayo Branch will host a support and information morning in the Breaffy House Hotel on Friday December 2nd from 10.30am to 12.30pm
Guest Speaker is Catherine Bond CEO Irish Foster Care Association.

This entry was posted on 12 Nov 2016